高: tall; high粘: glue; stick; paste; adhere t ...重质原油: heavy crude粗: wide; thick焦油: tar; pez; goudron; coke tar松: pine溜: swift current; turbulent flo ...油: oil; fat; grease高粘重质原油: viscous heavy oil松溜油, 松焦油: oleum picis重质原油: [油工] heavy crude含砂重质原油: very low-gravity sand-laden crude松溜油: tar oil高含硫重质原油: high-sulphur heavy crude; high-sulphurheavycrude沥青基重质原油: heavy asphalt crude重质沥青质原油: heavy crude asphalt petroleum重质原油和沥青砂: heavy crude and tar sands粗焦油: crude tar oil精制松溜油: oleum picis liquidae rectificatum; oleum picis rectificatum; picis oleum rectificatum; rectified tea oil松溜油软膏: pine tar ointment松溜油糖浆: syrupus picis liquidae; syrupus picis pini粘重质地: heavy texture粗焦油碱类: crude tar bases重质原油和沥青沙信息中心: information centre for heavy crude and tar sands重质原料: heavy charge; heavy feed stock